Getting to Know Home Care and a List of Services and Benefits

Home care services are quite well-known in Indonesia. This service relies on nurses who are ready to carry out the hospital service process with patients who need intensive care at home.

Services apply in accordance with the contracts and agreements made by both parties. However, before deciding which type of service you will use, find out more about the benefits and types of home care through this article!

What is Home Care Service?

When you or a family member has just returned from the hospital to home but still needs care, of course you need to pay attention to safety and comfort at home. Make sure you provide protection to your family by providing the right medical support, such as using home care services .

Home care services can be planned, coordinated, and provided by an organized service provider. The goal is to provide services in the home, based on a work agreement or contract by mutual agreement.

There is no harm in knowing more about this service through this article “ Get to Know Home Care Services Closer ”.

Benefits of Home Care Services

There are various benefits of this service that you can feel for your family at home, such as:

1. Security of proper health

When you use home care services to provide care at home, of course patients will get better security. 

This service provider can reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and worse health problems. That way, the recovery process will also run better.

2. Provide important information and training for families

Of course, with the existence of home care services , families will be more helped by getting important information, about maintaining and caring for families at home. Starting from how to provide treatment, various nutrients needed, to providing proper care.

3. Other benefits of home care

Apart from these two benefits, there are various other benefits that you can feel when using this service, such as:

  • Reduce the number of visits to the hospital.
  • More efficient and economical.
  • More comfortable.
  • Make recovery faster.
  • Reduce stress levels in patients and families.
  • Promote better relationships between families.

Find out the best time to use this service through this article “ When is the Best Time to Use Home Care Services? ”

Types of Home Care Services

There are many types of home care services that you can use, some of which are:

1. Post-operative care services

This service can apply to someone who has just gone through surgery. For example, surgery for stroke cases. Post-surgery, the sufferer requires a fairly long treatment process and requires special attention. 

Home care services for stroke patients usually include physiotherapy. In addition, this service can also be useful for people with cancer, mental disorders, lung infections, depression, meningitis, or pneumonia.

2. Wound care services

This service is specifically for people with diabetes, because wounds in this disease require proper and careful care. In addition to people with diabetes, people with burns should also take this service, especially if the sufferer has serious burns.

3. Care services for the elderly

This type of service is usually useful for busy people, and do not have time at home to care for parents who need more attention. With this service, nurses will be on standby to accompany the elderly at home. Nurses must have a patient nature of course.

4. Care services for companions

This home care is specifically for people who need medical assistance who are ready, such as during traveling or social service events. At these events , medical personnel will be needed who can help with emergency medical problems that require fast and precise treatment.

5. Baby care services

This home care service is specifically for caring for babies and mothers after giving birth. This care is useful for mothers who do not yet understand how to care for newborns. Most of these types of services are carried out by midwives, then the midwife will train the mother to care for newborns.

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